盐酸丁卡因局部麻醉强度为 10 普鲁卡因的倍数, the effect can be maintained for 2 到 3 小时, 具有很强的穿透力
苯佐卡因的局部麻醉作用弱于普鲁卡因, 而且无法渗透, 而且局部吸收缓慢且持久.
Lidocaine is a local anesthetic, 也称为利多卡因, 近年取代普鲁卡因,广泛用于美容整形手术的局部浸润麻醉.
Procaine hydrochloride is a local anesthetic that temporarily blocks the conduction of nerve fibers and has an anesthetic effect. It has a strong effect and low toxicity.